Principal Investigators: Dr. Timothy Hsu, Jonathan Dessi-Olive (Georgia Tech)
Graduate Students: Arun Berty, Srikrishnan Sridharan
Project start date: February 2017
Current status: Ongoing
Acoustic diffusers are commonly used to help control the way sound is reflected inside a room. In historical European concert halls, these diffusers often took the shape of architectural and decorative embellishments, sculptures, or other ornate physical feature. More recently, specialized devices such as quadratic residue diffusers (QRDs) has been developed.
This project seeks to extend the use cases of QRDs beyond their current typical use cases through the use of shape grammar. Shape grammar has been used in art, architecture, and design historically; however, this study is investigating the intersection of the forms created by shape grammar, and the effective acoustic function of associated these generated arrays.
The pictures shown here represent just some of the many arrays already generated by the shape grammar rules. Future work will include acoustic simulation and measurements of such arrays, as well as, integration of more complex rules to account for factors such as varying frequency, absorption, and array size.
J. Dessi-Olive, T. Hsu, “Generating acoustic diffuser arrays with shape grammars,” Accepted to SimAUD 2019, Atlanta (2019).
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J. Dessi-Olive, T. Hsu (2018). “A diffuser language: Designing quadratic residue diffuser arrays with shape grammars,” 176th Meeting of the Acoust. Soc. Am. Victoria Canada.